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First Quarter Managing Partner Update

by Jared Hollinger, CEO & Sr. Managing Partner
March 2024

We’re solidly into 2024 and I’d like to welcome you to the Sower Report. Every quarter I’ll provide a brief insight into our world of alternative asset investing based out of Omaha, NE. I’ll highlight a bit of news from each of our areas of focus and highlight some of our amazing team and partners. My goal here is simply to connect, share a few items that may be of interest, and create a conversation with you if something grabs your attention.

You likely get plenty of investing insights from experts (and non-experts), so I won’t be clogging up your inbox with additional unwanted content. Rather, I’ll do my best to feature our unique pairing of talent and entrepreneurial drive that we bring together for the benefit of our investor partners every day. As you know, we’re investors at the core and are personally invested in all of our offerings along with our investor partners. It’s this structure that many of our investor partners find so appealing.

Every quarter, I’ll share some thoughts on a particular item that’s been top of mind most recently as we manage our portfolio of alternative assets. These will generally be big picture items that get fleshed out at a more granular level by our team. I’ll spare you all those details and just share a paragraph or two summarizing our thoughts.

Over the last decade or more we’ve heard the phrase “New Normal” used in many instances. We used it during the post-financial crisis era to describe the low-interest rate environment. We used it to describe the pandemic state during Covid. Most recently, I found myself using “New Normal” to describe the current environment of positive real interest rates. In many ways, it may not be a “New Normal” but rather a return to normal after 15 years of departure.

Over the last year, a significant area of focus at Sower while we’ve considered our support for various offerings or assets has largely been focused on performance risks tied to this return to normal. We believe the likelihood of a dramatic reduction in rates is less likely than a simple leveling off over the next year or two. With this as the backdrop, a great deal of time has been spent stress-testing current investments and strategies and ensuring that our offerings are structured to stand these tests. Overall, we believe that our various offerings are positioned well to outperform in this new environment, and in the updates you’ll find in the newsletter we’ll touch more on the specific opportunities.

I hope you enjoy hearing about some of the good work at Sower. I’m excited to connect and learn about you and your story when the time is right. All the best!

Jared Hollinger

CEO & Sr. Managing Partner, Sower Investments