Financing Solutions for Niche Real Estate Assets
Tax Liens and Tax Deeds
County governments may issue tax lien certificates to help collect overdue tax revenue when delinquency in property tax occurs. Tax lien certificates offer fixed, secured returns, depending on the state, which can be acquired by investors offering investors the opportunity to earn high, fixed, and secure returns.
Tax deeds offer ownership rights to an underlying property. Like tax liens, tax deeds can be acquired by investors when a property owner fails to comply with property tax obligations. If property owners do not pay off outstanding tax debt, penalties, fees or interest due, the property then belongs to the investor.
Sower Investments has over two decades of experience with real estate securities including thousands of properties and transactions throughout dozens of states and municipalities.
Tax Lien Fund I
A custom, open-ended fund with a single source of equity capital focused on tax lien investments in 15 states throughout the US. This fund directs its efforts on a wide variety of municipalities as a key diversification strategy to protect returns and defend against competitive market forces. This wide focus allows the fund to focus on niche markets and lien purchase strategies that are sometimes overlooked by the competition.
Tax Deed Fund I
Open-ended closely held fund focused on joint venture partnerships for the purpose of funding tax deed investments in opportunistic markets throughout the US.
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